Request membership at the best cannabis clubs in Barcelona
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I become a member of a cannabis club in Barcelona?
If I receive a QR invite, will that be valid for my friends?
How much is the cost of a membership? and how much will I pay for the weed?
Can I carry out the weed with me?
How does the cannabis associations (clubs) works?
How many clubs are there in Barcelona?
Can I lose my membership?

Just a few years ago it would have been a dream to see the amount of space that marijuana has gained. There are spots in the world where it is now fully legal to carry and consume for recreational purposes like in coffee shops or private associations.
That is great advancement, but it is not the case everywhere. This fact makes things a bit more complicated than you may think. Whenever dealing with cannabis internationally you must be mindful of its legal status from the place you are visiting, of course.
There are parts of the world that will still actively search for any amount and lock you in a jail.
What is a Cannabis Social Club in?
And how to Join?
Now Speaking of the main town in Catalunya, there is a very opened way to interpret how the law works for each cannabis social club that Barcelona offers for people.
In this article we will try to explain the best way possible how the law conducts the best behavior from the population and its cannabis clubs at Barcelona, also which things you must not do, so you don’t get a fine or even arrested due to the wrong behavior (buying from illegal dealers in the street) and also how to join an invitation at cannabis club.
In fact every weed shop follow a strict line in Barcelona order to sell or offer its own products for each member and they also have an opening to promote activities and merchandise products when there is not enough capability to maintain a good stock, everything has to be declared and a good control of each member has to be kept for any surprise check that agents from the government may do during a certain period determined by the local “ayuntamiento” or town hall.

Weed Club Barcelona Rules
It is not bad news, though. It is legal to consume it for recreational purposes. But only as personal use within private property. That means that you could consume weed at a private establishment, such as cannabis club in Barcelona, this fact has helped these shops to thrive, which is great for the consumers.
Of course, whenever there is a lot of activity in each field you will get a lot of different options.
Let’s go over a few of the details of this scene and see if we can provide you with good information about it.
- Only allow people that are active smokers to join their association.
- Never expose their products with the purpose of advocacy or inducting people to become active smokers.
- Control only 18- or 21-years old members and register their document in the first visit, also having them sign a term of internal only use and sharing of weed.
- The cannabis club in Barcelona will have to instruct every member that it is not allowed to leave the association with any of the products obtained inside (even knowing it is very difficult for each association to have a strict control on that)
- The use of Marijuana must be purely recreational or a medical prescript from a recognized doctor showing his/her ID.
This is part of the conditions applied by law to each Cannabis social club Barcelona offers for people.
You can read the whole article by clicking here.
This document from one side will give most cannabis club in Barcelona the best behavior possible agreed by the Catalunya gather of associations.
- Only consume weed inside the association or in your apartment, never consume this substance in a hotel or in the streets as it is strictly prohibited and may give you important fines.
- Never expose the products in a public area and most important where there are young or children around.
- Attend the normative of each association.
- Provide all documents required for every cannabis club in Barcelona.
- Maintain a good conduct in general within the association, not being harmful or offensive to other people.
- On any conditions buy any substance for third parties or friends, all you buy is personal and cannot be shared with nonmembers or outside each association.
Keep in mind that any step outside the above mentioned and also to be more specific and read the whole conditions (click here) may lead to important fines and that you lose the right to become member of any cannabis club in Barcelona.
How the cannabis club scene works in Barcelona
How to get access
Since this activity is illegal for underaged people you will have to produce an ID that verifies that you are above eighteen years of age. They must do this confirmation face to face. What will often happen is that you will not get much out of digital interaction from them.
They will just politely ask that you show up with ID at their premises. Do not show up unannounced though, you should schedule a date and time for your visit. Also, anyone that comes with you should be a registered member to have access, so they will need to go through the same process.